Are you thinking about purchasing a vehicle for your business? If so, the IRS Section 179 deduction might be able to help. Here are four things you need to know about Section 179 and how it...
Continue ReadingAre you thinking about purchasing a vehicle for your business? If so, the IRS Section 179 deduction might be able to help. Here are four things you need to know about Section 179 and how it...
Continue ReadingIn the last few years, the number of people affected by bank fraud has increased significantly. Bank fraud can occur in a number of ways. Criminals may try to impersonate you, your...
Continue ReadingHiring veterans is a great way to strengthen your company and community. But it's also a smart business decision: veterans bring unique skills to the workplace, and they tend to be loyal...
Continue ReadingWhen it comes to the world of employment, there are two types of employees: exempt and non-exempt. While the terms may sound similar, they have very different meanings that can impact how...
Continue ReadingClub Capital provides the best monthly accounting, tax, and CFO services for insurance agency owners
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