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Google Ads Mastery: What Steve Jobs and Gandhi Teach About Simplifying Campaigns and Ensuring Consistent Messaging
By Christopher Ferretti on July 18, 2024

In the realm of Google Ads for insurance, the wisdom of Steve Jobs in championing simplicity can be a game-changer. Many insurance agents, operating on modest ad budgets, often spread their...

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Branding Lessons for Insurance Agents: Insights from “The War of Art”
By Christopher Ferretti on June 26, 2024

Last week we got some PPC lessons from Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War.” This week, we’re happy to share some branding insights from Steven Pressfield’s “The Wart of Art.” In the competitive...

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4 PPC Lessons from The Art of War: Mastering the Digital Battlefield
By Christopher Ferretti on June 21, 2024

In the fiercely competitive realm of digital marketing, every insurance agent is vying for supremacy. Drawing inspiration from Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, you can transform your PPC campaigns...

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Revolutionizing Your Insurance Agency’s Digital Presence with Ad Extensions
By Christopher Ferretti on May 29, 2024

Imagine unlocking a level of connectivity and visibility in your Google Ads that propels your insurance agency to the forefront of the digital landscape. This isn’t just about making your...

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From Zero to Hero: Transform Your Agency with Killer Paid Search Tactics
By Christopher Ferretti on May 23, 2024

In the competitive insurance arena, standing out isn't just an option; it's a necessity. If you're ready to catapult your insurance agency from the sidelines to the spotlight, mastering...

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Becoming a Thought Leader: Empowering Insurance Agents to Connect with Their Community
By Christopher Ferretti on May 17, 2024

In today's competitive insurance landscape, simply selling policies isn't enough. Agents need to become pillars of their community, trusted advisors who not only know the ins and outs of...

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The Pitfalls of Buying Leads and How Paid Search Can Be the Solution for Insurance Agents
By Christopher Ferretti on May 10, 2024

In insurance, lead generation is the lifeblood that sustains business growth. Many insurance agents rely on buying leads from specialized companies. While this can initially seem like an...

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Offline Meets Online: Innovative Marketing Strategies for Modern Insurance Agents
By Christopher Ferretti on May 3, 2024

For captive insurance agents, blending offline and online marketing effectively isn’t just about broadening reach—it’s about creating synergy between two powerful forces. Let’s explore...

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The Realities of Marketing Exclusivity in Insurance: Unmasking the Gimmick
By Christopher Ferretti on April 24, 2024

In the competitive insurance sector, the promise of "market exclusivity" is often presented by marketing agencies as a definitive edge for insurance agents. This assurance is particularly...

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Five Marketing Mistakes Insurance Agents Often Make and How to Fix Them
By Christopher Ferretti on April 17, 2024

In the intricate world of insurance marketing, even seasoned agents can stumble along the way. Picture your marketing strategy as a grand stage production. You have the stage, the script,...

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