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New Agency Starting Out Guide (download available)

Download Starting Out Guide

So you've committed to starting your own agency. You've got your licenses, sat through a ton of training, interned at other agents' offices, and signed on the dotted line. Your Agency's opening day is approaching (or for some, possibly just passed), and things seem to be going 1,000 miles-per-hour. A couple things on your mind might be:

  • Office space
  • Furniture
  • Phones
  • Internet
  • Signage
  • Parking
  • Employees (don't forget this one!)
  • Employee licensing
  • Etc., etc., etc.

 The list could go on and on.... What we tend to see fall to the wayside during the preparation of an agency launch is a lot of the legal and financial needs to properly, and efficiently, set up your agency. 

Legal and financial needs are often overlooked.

 Some of the legal and financial items necessary to address when launching your agency include: 

  • Choosing the right business entity type to get started
  • Applying for your State Tax ID number (which is required to run payroll)
  • Securing business lines of credit
  • Establishing a business credit card
  • Automating your financial infrastructure (or back office functions) so you can focus on growing your agency

To ensure you get started on the right foot, we've created a downloadable "checklist" to guide you through the process.  Hope this helps!


Download Starting Out Guide


Insurance agent and new business starting out guide 

By Micah Cannon | October 18, 2017 | | 0 Comments

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